The Lord also said that none shall make you afraid. Yes, Child of God, your father doesn’t want you to live continuously under the fear of ejections, rejections, and dismissals. God wants to fortify your position. He wants to firmly establish your feet. That temporal status will change to a permanent one. He wants to put you in the state that the enemy will no longer toss you abou...

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  • Constantly Fruitful

    The fig tree is the most persistent fruit bearing tree you can think of. Not only is it capable of yielding a lot of fruits at harvest time, it also produces fruits every season. In addition, it also produces fruits every season. In addition, it is also able to keep some fruits lingering long after its harvest. In Mark 11, it was abnormal for the fig tree to fail to have fruits on it. It...

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  • Call Forth your own

    I believe this word so much as the mind of God for His children. Child of God, as long as your life is under the dictates of another man, you’ll never be at peace. As long as you live by the mercies of other men, your dignity is very fragile;, your self-respect is lost and your freedom is limited. It is in the nature of man to take advantage of another man; therefore, you cannot build your ...

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  • Rehoboth 2

    In Mathew 17 vs 20 – 21, Jesus said, “Verily I say unto you, If you have faith as grain of a mustered seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. “However, He ended his statement in Mathew 17 vs 21 by saying, “Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. “If you hear...

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  • Rehoboth 1

    In their wicked plans to deprive him of the water in the well, they pushed Isaac into his place of bliss: a place that was beyond their contentions and strife, a place they no longer assert themselves over him, place where they could no longer lay claim to his water and a place where he was free to plan his life. Child of God, this is where God is taking you to in Christ Jesus. In Gen...

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  • Moving To Your Rehoboth

    The word Rehoboth means access to fruitfulness. This means to be in a situation to have good results from your investment time, energy and money. It also implies being enabled to fulfill your divine mandate which according to Genesis 1 vs 28 is to be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it and walk in dominion. Sometimes, like Isaac, you’re put through a whole lot of...

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  • Continue Digging

    Having been denied of his inherited wells, Isaac took the bold step of faith to dig a new well. It’s written that as soon as he found the water, the herdsmen of Gerar came up with a claim for the water. Interestingly, they didn’t claim ownership of the well, but claimed the water in the well. That’s like looking for a pound of flesh from the heart of someone without saying I w...

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