Bible Verse: Acts 1 vs 4-6

4: And they came together, He gave them this order: "Do not leave Jerusalem but wait for the gift my father promised.
5: John baptized you with water, but in a few days you'll be baptized with the Holy Spirit."
6: When the apostles met together with Jesus, They asked Him, "Lord, will you at this time give the kingdom back to Israel?"

God is always in a hurry to fulfill His promise in our lives but His people are not usually expectant and even when they are, their expectations are set on the wrong things. The lame man at the gate called beautiful while he was expecting Peter and John to give Him money did not know that they had something for him that was far better than his expectations( Acts 3:1-8). There are a lot of people who attend church but do not have any expectation, they just come to fill up space or show up or even show off, mean while there are those who also come with the wrong expectations. A typical example is the man by the pool of Bethesda (John 5: 2-9), he was expectant but he set his expectation on man and wasted thirty eight years of his life waiting for man to lift him into the pool, and when he had his encounter with Jesus his expectations was still set on the wrong things mean while Jesus had a better option for him.

1st Corinthians 2 vs 14, Romans 8 vs 7

God is forever eager to fulfill His promise in our lives, the reason why we don’t see the manifestation is not because of lack of power or anointing or ability or even lack of the will of heaven to fulfill the promise but because of lack of expectations or not having the right expectations at all. There are people whose expectations are self centered; we are in a generation that demand for what we want and not what we need and as such when what we need is given to us it becomes a waste of time. Some people when they are going through financial crisis, they expect to be given money whereas what they need is wisdom. Most times we ask for what we want and forsake what we need. Our expectations are so flesh based and so self-centered that we are losing out on the true promise for our generation.

Ephesians 3 vs 20

Every generation has a peculiar grace from God, the grace that was needed in the time of Abraham Lincoln is quite different from the grace that we need in our time. We should not desire to go back to the olden days because the dispensation of grace available in our time is all that we need. It is important for us to connect to this grace rather than have wrong expectations. God has greater and bigger things for us than the ones we want, we as believers should know that He always has something better for us than what we can ever think of. Let me admonished you that whenever we set our minds on the wrong things, we will lose the right things. It is rather sad that while God is preparing to bless us his children, some of us have our minds set on men, thus, we lose our blessings. Most believers miss their hour of visitation they do not set their eyes on God.

Luke 7 vs 13-15

God is in the business of reviving people, He also wants to restore some lost things in our lives but we should ask ourselves “What does God want to restore in our lives?” In Lk.7:13-15, after Jesus raised the young man from death, He presented him back to his mother thereby restoring their relationship back. We should take note that God is a God of relationship, He does not apply formula nor theories but He loves and enjoy relationship (John3:16, John 1:12).

Malachi 4 vs 5-6 In much as God wants to bless us, He will never bless in such a way that it will lead us away from our relationship with him or our families. Sadly some people derive pleasure in disconnecting from their families when they feel they have attained a high status in life. You cannot experience the manifestation of God’s blessing if you don’t have a good relationship. Any time you lose your family relationship or your relationship with God, you put yourself in danger. There are people who come to church but do not have any form relationship with God. Our God is relational and he wants us to replicate this attribute of His amongst ourselves. Many people are good in churches but do not have relationship with God or their family, He will not bless us so much so that it will lead us from Himself or our family. The restoration of our family relationship is what we need in our time but we are so much in a hurry to get things that we do not need now. There is no revival without relation and we cannot talk about the restoration of properties without talking about relationship first. We all belong to two homes, the spiritual home and the physical home.
As a nation, one of the problems we have is because there is no relationship amongst us due to the way we see one another and we have become so tribalistic that we do not see anything good in one another.
No matter how good our government is, if w lack relation skills we will suffer. We need to learn to relate well with one another if we must succeed.