Bible Verse: Mathew 6 vs 31 – 33

Therefore, do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly father knows you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

All over the world, believers are always making one form of petition or the other unto God, our request has become more of demand for provision for us to live comfortably. It’s rather sad that we have placed our trust more on our possession rather than on the very God who has given us these possessions.

Colossians 1 vs 17 says that in Christ, all things consist and in Mathew 6 vs 33, Jesus clearly told us to seek his Kingdom first because He knew very well that everything we could ever need would be found in His Kingdom, but for us to gain access to his Kingdom, we need to have a relationship with Him first. It is in this relationship that we’ll have a clear revelation on how to gather our provision, if only we can abide in Him and also allow His word to abide in us, then getting our request from Him will be very easy.

If we look at the life of David, he never lost any battle, not even to an incredible giant as Goliath who was more experienced in battle. The reason is that David will never do anything without involving God, in other words he was always in the presence of God. If we know that God is almighty, dwelling in His presence will also make us assume His mighty nature. Exodus 13 vs 21, God led the children of Israel as a pillar of cloud by the day and as a pillar of fire by the night keeping them in His presence and it is recorded that they did not need to change their shoes or clothes, in other words all they needed was in His presence to sustain them through the journey.

It will be rather detrimental to us as believers if we push aside his presence and go after our own ways, Samson had all access to the presence of the Lord but chose to do his own thing and ended up destroying himself. God is guaranteeing us everlasting pleasure and fullness of Joy only if we’ll stay in His presence (Psalm 16 vs 11)
